Rising star Goldiie Lux explores all from her debut EP Toxic Lullabies, her musical influences, and what it has been like signing to South Coast Music Group.

Rising star Goldiie Lux - or Naomi Summers - tells a transformative story within her artistry, aiming to enhance and hypnotise audiences with her captivating lyricism and impressive ability to be a storyteller in her writing. She bears all within her debut EP, Toxic Lullabies, and is determined to be taken seriously as a passionate artist with extreme drive and determination.

“I would prefer it to be colder right now, it has been ninety-five like everyday this week,” Goldiie starts discussing the weather comparison in LA to the gloomy and cold UK - she sits in her home recording studio with the most pristine eyeliner ever seen. As she describes her sound as “kind of alternative pop and R&B combine,” the rising star introduces herself to the musical world - aiming to captivate audiences with her stellar vocals and hypnotic aesthetic.

“I am a perfectionist,” she laughs - a day in the studio with Goldiie is nothing but vibes and hard work. She continues, “I have been learning to record myself, so a lot of the new songs coming out I have recorded myself. It is really fun and I have been able to collaborate with different people.” As a newer artist, it can be daunting to be vulnerable in a recording studio with people you are not entirely familiar with, and Goldiie is no stranger to this feeling. “I used to only be comfortable working by myself, and I found it hard to open up in front of other people, meaning that the songs I was writing were not one hundred per cent authentic to me. But lately, I have been learning to voice my own opinion and it has opened a whole new door for me.” Goldiie Lux finding her voice manifests in her latest release and first EP, Toxic Lullabies. The up-and-coming star describes the EP: “I feel like it shows the different feelings and stages I have had recently and compiles it into a place where hopefully others can relate.”

Toxic Lullabies is a musical trilogy, compiled by three songs, and it tells the story of a relationship from start to finish in the eyes of the rising star Goldiie. The EP spans genres and highlights her storytelling ability and innovative take on exploring a relationship. “I wanted to make it a trilogy so I can showcase the different styles I can do and hint at how I want my music to move forward,” the singer adds when she explains why Toxic Lullabies is a trilogy, not a more vast collection of music. As she lists her musical influences as: “Khalis and Lorde, but also Timbaland, he is a musical genius and I wanna bring back that early two thousand vibe in my music,” it is clear Goldiie Lux is well versed in this musical realm and showcases her musical influences deeply within her current released tracks.

As an artist with clear drive and passion for the projects she is creating, evident through the well-thought-out and detailed storytelling in Toxic Lullabies - Goldiie’s discovery that she wanted a music career is a vital topic she discusses. “I discovered that music was the path that I wanted to go down during the peak of the SoundCloud era when a lot of everyday people were catching a big break in the music industry, it was a roots-up movement. I felt like I could do it too.” She continues, “I started in rap but someone suggested maybe I should sing as they sensed the power behind my voice.” Before the topic of conversation delves deeper into Goldiie’s music. She quickly adds, “Hearing Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’ in the car with my mum and sister was one of my earliest memories of music, that inspired me too as that song plays a part in a lot of the music out today.”

‘Psycho’ explores the notion of doubt and untrustworthy behaviour that can creep into the subconscious during a relationship - it is a darker R&B fuelled song with a massive production scale and an aesthetically pleasing music video which pairs alongside it. Goldiie says “It is in the middle of the EP and is super dark pop, the inspiration behind it was feeling kinda crazy in a relationship and being able to get obsessed with someone. It was really quick to write and it felt so right to release, it is one of my faves.” When asked if ‘Psycho’ relates to a personal experience the singer has had, she responds: “Oh definitely! It relates to me and a lot of things I have seen in relationships, whether it be friends or partners.”

As mentioned, the video for ‘Psycho’ is aesthetically alluring, with unique styling and concept. Goldiie says she “loves how the video turned out! I originally released the videos for ‘Psycho’ and ‘Feel Again’ separately but then merged them as it feels like it shows these two feelings as interchangeable, you can feel crazy then you can feel in love or vice versa.” As Toxic Lullabies is a trilogy - the question arises as to where the video for ‘UnFuk U’ is - Goldiie alludes, “I am very excited to tell you that I releasing it soon! I am super excited for that one! I have also just filmed another video for a different song which is like kind of circus vibes!” Goldiie Lux is a hard worker and deserves praise for her craft and hypotonic music videos.

Discussing another song on Toxic Lullabies - ‘Feel Again’ - a softer R&B track with SZA-inspired vocals - Goldiee addresses that she is “more comfortable in this mellow vibe but I am still able to dive back and forth between the two genres, but it comes easier for me to sing more mellow.” Placing this mellow track at the beginning of the EP allows audiences to be eased into and get to know Goldiie as an artist, then they are hit with the powerful and darker vibes of ‘Psycho’, some may even go back and check it is the same artist due to her incredible diversity and versatility within Toxic Lullabies. Not only does the debut EP tell a story of a relationship evolving, but it also tells the story of the singer as both an artist and a person; it is a discovery and step-by-step introduction to getting to know Goldiie Lux.

“I think a lot of artists feel like their end goal is to get signed, and a lot of people strive for that, it is a universal experience. But I think something a lot of people don’t think about is the fact that this is just the beginning, when you get signed that’s when the real work starts,” she incites, referring to her recent contract signing to South Coast Music Group as her proudest achievement so far and the pressures for artists to get signed and recognised. She continues: “I am so grateful though cause now I feel heard as an artist and validated - this is now my job.”

Not only is Goldiie a versatile storyteller and lyricist in her artistry - she is also a fan of the game Hogwarts Legacy. “I am a Slytherin, it is kinda fun being the bad guy,” a reminder to not get on the wrong side of her if you are aware of the Slytherin house lore.

“In five years I wanna be on tour and collaborating with my favourite artists, I wanna create a place for people to come together and relate to my music and consider a bigger picture.” Goldiie deserves recognition; it would be heart-warming to see her success grow, especially if this storytelling aspect of her music continues. Her upcoming musical journey is one to keep an eye on - especially considering her musical influences and her passion and drive to create the most vulnerable and authentic work. Goldiie Lux is a shining star and personality with the future at her fingertips.


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