The name of Movements’ new album, RUCKUS!, is spot on because that's exactly what you'll find in the album - pure, delightful, ruckus. The album's title is paradoxical because, despite its heavy bass and abundant noise, it's meticulously crafted with thoughtful lyrics and execution. It's a beautifully organised chaos. The album sways between feelings of anger and melancholy to commitment and love. Giving the listener a diverse listening experience, being able to relate in one way or another. 

Movements jumpstart their fresh album with the tune 'You're One of Us Now,' and it's quite the way to kick things off after a six-year music hiatus! Movements, we have truly missed you. Heavy bass, a screaming crowd and some insane vocals from Patrick Miranda, the frontman. 

Next up on the album is ‘Killing Time,’ a passionate love song with a powerful bass and gripping lyrics such as “But I’d take a bullet to the head, just to hear you whisper / I’d do anything to make you tick, and this love / well, it’s got me bleeding.” While the lyrics delve deep, the beat carries a weighty and intense vibe, symbolising the profound passion and love expressed in the words, almost as if they are being sung to someone who urgently needs to hear these sentiments.

As we delve deeper into the album, ‘Tightrope’ and ‘I Hope You Choke!’ emerge as standout tracks. In these songs, we can detect a nostalgic essence reminiscent of Movements from years past, blended seamlessly with their more contemporary style. The perfect combination. There is a lot of raw emotion in these tracks that we commonly know Movements for, especially in ‘I Hope You Choke!’, an ultimate headbanger. 

This album has just 10 songs, the perfect number for this record - and we wrap it up with 'Coeur D'Alene'. This track is like the ultimate acoustic gem, with its heartrending lyrics and melancholic vibe guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings. Closing out both the song and the album with “You're my home, lovely low” is truly a flawless way to conclude the album. Worth the years of waiting. 

You might pick up on the fact that the deep, soul-stirring emotions that used to take centre stage in their earlier albums are not as prominent here. It's as if the band has embraced love and found a sense of inner calm, which is truly something we all hope for them. While the emotions are still there, it's evident that the band had a much more enjoyable and optimistic creative approach while making this album than others.

Emily Fletcher

STREAM RUCKUS! here, out now via fearless records

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